Do you think baby will be a girl or boy?

October 30, 2010

Updates and some new pictures :)

Well, October is just about over now - I can't believe it. October is always a roller coaster of emotions for us but this year was different in so many ways. Jack helped immensely, even on his teething days, and always put a smile on our faces. So I must thank him for that...really though, how could you not smile at this?

Told you.

I know we haven't updated this blog in quite some time and while Matt doesn't really have an excuse I have been in crazy photographer mode between shooting, editing, and proofing with clients. I currently have 18 sessions to edit and proof and a few November shoots to get done too...these are the crazy days for a lot of photographers before this slow down at Christmas and the start of the new year. I am looking forward to relaxing and being able to focus on taking Jack's pictures again...and edit them in a reasonable time frame rather than 6 weeks later lol.

Here is Jack's opinion of the amount of work I have to get done...

That was also the look on my face when I finished writing the longest to-do list I've ever had.

This weekend is Jack's first Halloween so even though I have a zillion things to do (even 1 session on Halloween itself...darn rain making me reschedule things) we are going to go to a pumpkin patch, take some cute pictures, and spend some family time together. I can't wait and I will absolutely find time to post some pictures on here and update you all on our fun filled weekend. One thing on my to-do list is to regularly update the blog so hopefully I can manage 2 posts a week!

So what's new with Jack...well...he has 2 teeth! His two bottom teeth have popped through and he is now the happiest baby since he's no longer in pain. It's quite wonderful...

Could you spot the teeth? Getting a picture of them was no easy task!

We have also started doing some Baby Led Weaning, basically meaning we give him real food rather than pureed stuff so he can feed himself and learn to chew and swallow rather than just swallow. So far, he LOVES it. He had broccoli for lunch and avocado for dinner today and gobbled them up - I don't know how much of it he actually eats but that's ok - his main source of nutrients is his bottle for the first year. That said, he does LOVE his purees so I haven't taken them away yet. We're still figuring all this out :)

He ate all the broccoli before I grabbed the camera.

Other than that there isn't much that's new, I did post a Birth to 6 Month video of Jack on facebook but I suppose I should link to it here since not everyone has here's the lovely video:

And last but not is a sneak peek of Jack in his costume - I'm hoping for better light tomorrow to get some good ones...we'll see!

Cutest dragon I've ever seen :)

Much Love.

1 comments, we'd love to hear yours!:

Jenn Tuesday, November 02, 2010 12:22:00 a.m.  

Awww, I love the video! Wish I knew how to do that!! I think my hubby does, but to find the time... He's adorable! Glad you're posting again :) I check all the time!

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