Falling Behind
It seems this blog is a wee bit neglected! I post personal pictures and stories on my other blog now so feel free to follow along there :)
It seems this blog is a wee bit neglected! I post personal pictures and stories on my other blog now so feel free to follow along there :)
written by nik at 11:14 p.m. 0 comments, we'd love to hear yours!
Sadly sleep is getting more and more difficult as this pregnancy progresses. I didn't really have this problem until the very end of pregnancy with Jack but this baby has me up all hours of the night to eat. I don't know how it's possible for me to be dropping pounds with the amount of food that I eat but alas it's happening. I can't get comfortable, then I finally do and only 2 hours later I wake up starving. I've resorted to leaving snacks and drinks beside the bed for easy access lol.
We also got the confirmed dates for our fetal echo and anatomy ultrasound, which are in the first week of December. We're very excited and nervous (I'm always nervous about ultrasounds) and hoping this baby decides to cooperate so we can find out if s/he is a girl or boy for sure. Woop!
I've been perusing various baby sites for some time now figuring out what we will need for either gender as well as any big ticket stuff (which isn't much in that regard, just a double stroller which I've found and the booster carseat for when baby passes 21 lbs and can't go in the infant seat anymore). We still have a bunch of girl clothes since we were told Zachary was a girl until 33 weeks and we have tons of boy stuff though we will need some sleepers for both genders since Jack was a pukey kid in the beginning and some things just had to be tossed. I'm just excited to get shopping with a known gender in mind :)
Don't forget to vote in the poll above :)
written by nik at 5:17 p.m. 1 comments, we'd love to hear yours!
Only four people know the names we have chosen and I'm finding it really really hard not to tell people at this point. I haven't broken yet (the additional people only know because we discussed it as soon as I knew I was pregnant) but we love these names so much that it's hard not to want to share them. My main issue with sharing is that sometimes people decide that it's important to tell you that they don't like a name you've chosen for whatever reason (maybe they think you're still deciding and want input, who knows). I don't want people saying...really? that's what you chose? It of course wouldn't make us change our mind, it's our kid so yeah we get to name him/her but it's still disheartening because now I will forever know that that person doesn't like my kids name...and usually it ends up being someone close...which stinks. Ah well, I digress.
Maybe the names will be spilled early, maybe we'll just wait until the gender is announced. Only time will tell!
In the meantime, here is another weekly update:
How far along? 13 weeks 6 Days (my due date has been moved to April 29th as far as I know)
Total weight gain/loss: Down 5
Maternity clothes? I had to switch to maternity pants at 7 weeks because the pressure from bloating was just unbearable. Not bloated anymore but I can't wear regular pants anymore.
Stretch marks? None.
Sleep Sleeping okay lately but waking up in the middle of the night STARVING is not making me feel well rested
Best moment this week Ultrasound with a squirmy upside down baby, who is healthy :)
Movement Started feeling flutters when I lie down this week
Food cravings Gummy worms, MILK, reeses peanut butter cups (thank goodness halloween is around the corner)
Gender Unknown at the moment, we'll find out early december and you will find out at Christmas
Labor Signs None
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss Sleeping through the night without having to wake up for food
What I am looking forward to The 18-20week ultrasound in 5-7 weeks
Milestones Heard heartbeat on doppler @ home :)
written by nik at 1:51 p.m. 0 comments, we'd love to hear yours!
So I asked this on facebook a while back but I'm going to make a poll here so that it's easier for me to keep track of. It looks like our due date may be moved up a week to April 29th so we'll know in 5-7 weeks (as long as baby is cooperative) if this little is a girl or boy.
Here's the results of all the old wives tales I could find:
Prediction #1: My age at time of conception + month of conception = even or odd
Take my age which was 25 and the month of conception (which is the 8th month for us). Result = GIRL (even = girl, odd = boy)
Prediction #2: Heart Rate
This theory states that if your baby's heart rate is 140 beats per minute and above, you would be having a girl. If the heart rate is under 140 beats per minute, then you would be having a boy.
Baby's Heartrate = 167-170 = GIRL
Prediction #3: Time to conceive
Short time to conceive = GIRL
Prediction #4: Sleeping position
I sleep on my right side = GIRL
Prediction #5: Moodiness
I hate to admit it but I am definitely moody...it's crazy = GIRL
Prediction #6: Morning Sickness
I have been nauseated this entire time and spent the first few weeks running to the bathroom sick = GIRL
Prediction #7: Food Cravings
I've been craving candy and sweets = GIRL
Prediction #8: The ring test
Tie a ring to a piece of string and dangle it above your stomach (if it swings side to side then it's girl, if it swings in a circle then it's a boy) - mine went side to side all 4 times I did it over the past four weeks = GIRL
So all of them say GIRL but most of them said girl for Jack too. My guess is Girl and Matt is also guessing Girl (he said boy for Jack). This pregnancy is so different and feels way different so who knows if that means anything.
Alrighty, the fun part...what's your guess? There should be a poll at the top of the page so submit your vote there :)
Much Love
written by nik at 12:53 p.m. 0 comments, we'd love to hear yours!
written by nik at 8:52 p.m. 0 comments, we'd love to hear yours!
written by nik at 2:34 p.m. 2 comments, we'd love to hear yours!
written by nik at 10:54 p.m. 0 comments, we'd love to hear yours!
written by nik at 12:23 p.m. 0 comments, we'd love to hear yours!