Do you think baby will be a girl or boy?

November 10, 2010


I have never been so busy in my life. It's insane. I have an insane amount of sessions to edit (I will be cutting back on the number of sessions a month, especially in fall, from now on) and Jack has been sick so it's been a stressfilled house. Thankfully Jack has adjusted to the time change but his morning nap seems to be horrible used to be 2.5 to 3 hours and now it's lucky if he's down for 45 minutes. That would be fine except he's clearly still tired and very cranky, not sure what to do about that yet - hopefully it's just because he doesn't feel great (not that that is good or anything). We shall see, I definitely miss the long nap - I could get so much done!

I'm excited to be able to relax, very soon I hope. Once I get these sessions edited things will slow down. I have a few sessions on the books for November but because September and October were so crazy I made sure to only take a couple so I could recover. Don't worry, I still LOVE my job...really how could you not when it means you get to see "tiny humans" all the time :)

My Christmas shopping is nearly complete...and lists are made. Now I just have a few things to get and hopefully that means I don't have to enter a mall (except to do the "traditional" Santa photo - I so wish I booked with you for that Kel!) during the holiday craziness. I may offer a Santa day next year though, didn't work out this year but I did sent a letter to the jolly old fellow asking if he'd be willing to come for a day next year so we'll see what he says. I'll keep you posted ;)

This year marks the start of all kinds of traditions (both old and new) for the holiday season. I am SO excited. I'll be much more diligent about posting on here once things slow down in a week or so...I can't wait! In the meantime, here are a TON of images I wanted to share (taken between September and now). Enjoy!

Jack still enjoys eating time...

The girlies are still gorgeous as ever and we miss them terribly!

Jack loves playing with Great Gramma

I don't think I could love this boy any more than I already do...

A fun outtake from a family session I did :)

Jack LOVES his toys...a lot.

Grandma and Grandpa had a half birthday party for Jack, with a half cake too!

He loved the leafs jersey he got too, clearly there was no option of liking another team lol

Jack thinking about strategies for the leafs to start winning again...

He fits in our little family perfectly.

Jack loves playing with his daddy

AND last but not least, he was mighty cute for his first Halloween...

Much Love.

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