Do you think baby will be a girl or boy?

December 15, 2010

Meet Norman.

Christmas is only 10 days away. TEN. Thankfully I'm done Christmas shopping and everything is wrapped and under the tree. Jack still enjoys looking at the lights when they are on. Loki has decided her new "spot" is squished under the tree between all the presents...sometimes I hear her playing with the tinsel but she's pretty good most of the time and the tree is still in it's upright position. We also have a new friend from the North Pole who's been visiting for a few days now. Santa sent him to keep an eye on Jack and make sure he's behaving. He reports back to Santa each night and shows up in the morning in a new "situation" in our house. Jack doesn't really notice him yet but it will be fun to have him around as he gets older. He told us in his letter that he was a little late this year because he was on vacation but next year he plans on arriving on December 1st so he can spend more with us before heading back to the North pole on Christmas eve. Our elf's name is Norman and over the next 9 days I'll be document our time with him :)

Meet Norman...
 Today we found him tasting Jack's formula...verdict is still out on the taste :P

Much Love.

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