Do you think baby will be a girl or boy?

December 9, 2010

He's grown....

One of the first questions I get asked when talking to someone (concerning Jack) is "How is he sleeping?"...when I answer (and a lot of the time I almost feel bad answering because I know we're lucky) that he sleeps 13 hours at night I always get different variations on how that means he's a good baby. Now, I'm not in any way saying that he's not a good baby, he really is great, but I just don't get how to a lot of people "sleep" is the determining factor on what makes a baby "good". I mean really...would you really call a baby "bad"?? But I digress.

Today Jack was cranky, whiney, and generally not himself. He has a fever, really red cheeks, and you can tell he's sad. Which in turn, makes us sad. I know it'll pass and his fever has already started to come down (I keep checking it) but I don't like when I can't really do anything for him and he can't tell me exactly what he wants. Hopefully he's feeling better for the Herdman Christmas Party on Saturday. We are very excited to go, and take lots of pictures this time!

Anywho, I should get back to work but wanted to share a comparison shot with you all...there is another one of these coming but I haven't gotten to it yet :P

Here is Jack at 3 weeks old in the teacup:
 And here he is again a 7 months in the teacup (I have one with the red hat too but can't find it right now...must be on a card I haven't transferred yet):

 He's grown a little (see his two top teeth poking out too?!) :P

Much Love.

1 comments, we'd love to hear yours!:

Unknown Sunday, December 12, 2010 9:49:00 p.m.  

What is he at, 4 or 5 teeth now? Man. And that teacup is getting pretty big for him. Where will he sleep now?

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