Do you think baby will be a girl or boy?

December 31, 2010

Number 100

Oh wow, apparently we've posted 100 posts as of now! I'm pretty sure most of those have been profound thoughts and observations made by me, but I think Nik had some small part in getting to that awesome number. Anyway, we have a house now. Yep.

Really it's another rental, but it's certainly a large step up from where we're finishing out our time now. The Newmarket house is great, and I love our landlords, but the space has been a consistent issue for months. Now, with Christmas finished and so much new stuff to keep Jack busy, we have run out of room. My Spider-Man room has been hit by a landmine for all intents and purposes, and the only real organization exists in my filing cabinet. Of course, the amount of papers not in that filing cabinet that should be there is copious, but that's neither here nor there. So this new place happens to be DIRECTLY ACROSS from the school where I hope to be working for the rest of the year. As far as I know, I'm teaching grade 3 until June (wicked) but that's a whole other thing and I don't want to get into that now.

The new place is a palace comparatively. Where we're coming from has a single floor with 3 bedrooms, a single bathroom and no garage or other storage space. New Place (henceforth, this is what it will be known as) has 2 large floors, easily doubling what we have now. Plus, there's an unfinished basement that is perfect for storing all those things that are in haphazard places around the house. Like the bed frame in with the washer or the Christmas decorations in our bedroom closet. The backyard is small, but definitely manageable, while the garage will easily hold our car, as well as a bunch of other stuff. We can't wait to get in there, which happens on the last weekend in January - 4 weeks from now. It's a huge deal.

Of course, this last post of the year would be hugely lacking if I didn't mention the Jackness that's happening right now. He's gotten the better part of a Fisher Price toy aisle in our house now, and he loves it! He's so, SO close to crawling, and he's even said 'mama' a couple of times. Not too long until he says 'dada' I think. I'm very excited for that. I promise I'll be back soon to talk about Jack, Nikki and our awesone life together. And to be clear, I don't use that adjective lightly. My life is awesome on so many different levels. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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