Do you think baby will be a girl or boy?

October 25, 2011

The 12 Week Ultrasound

Went for the 12 week IPS/NT ultrasound today and all was good with the jumping baby in there. The baby is currently upside down and measuring ahead of the original ultrasound dates so my due date may change by a week or so but I won't know if they'll change it till I see my OB again. Nevertheless all is well, baby looks great, and is wiggling around like crazy. 

I cannot wait until the big ultrasound so we can find out the gender of this's driving me crazy walking into baby stores and not being able to buy anything (tough I have bought a couple gender neutral things) that I love. For a girl we would have a bit to buy and even for a boy we could use a couple new sleepers since jack was a spit-up baby and as such some things had to be trashed from the early days so I just want to be able to go  to a store and know for sure so I can grab some things and get started on this nursery. Only 7 weeks at most though (maybe less if the due date changes!) so that's good :P

Here is a pic of our upside down child (takes after big brother already since his preference is to be upside down most of the time): 

 and a quick pic of Jack from a week or so ago :)
Much Love

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